Does this sound familiar?
- Vision, mission, identity: your organisation has lost its direction. This has often been going on for some time, but has only now come to the surface due to a new manager, merger or sudden growth. What has always worked without effort is suddenly no longer working ...
- You want to invest in your team(s), either because you would like to prevent moaning and groaning, tensions and conflicts, or you are already experiencing them. Cooperation in one or more teams is faltering, with the focus shifting from the tasks that need to be done to internal goings-on.
- You no longer know (or perhaps have never known) what mindset and behaviour you want to see in your organisation. You want to prepare your people for change. Or notice that they are cutting themselves off from each other. Not giving each other feedback. Not knowing which decisions they can take themselves.
- You want people to be given a point of reference to decide more for themselves, thus driving your organisation forward. Or you are facing a difficult decision process and want to arrive at a decision/result that everyone can support.

What if ...
- … employees see how they contribute to the functioning of their team or organisation? This increases their well-being and strengthens the team dynamic.
- … people make decisions smoothly because your course and their role are clear? They show ownership, take initiative and create space for service-minded leadership.
- … your culture comes to life in the organisation? Employees talk about it and call each other to account. Leaders encourage it, clients experience it.
- ... employees and managers reveal their true selves? They have the courage to be vulnerable, thus creating openness. Trust. Progress.
Is all of this a distant dream?
Not for clients with whom I am going through an organisational journey. Here are the steps:
- I first gain in-depth knowledge of the problem with those who are experiencing it and for whom the need is most acute. This allows me to quickly get to the bottom of what's going on and what the underlying causes are. Together, we clearly define the challenge and determine where we want to go.
- I then work out an action plan and test it out with the stakeholders. Once I have their agreement, we start implementing it. In doing so, I use a range of methods, and have the courage to draw people out of their comfort zone.
- After the journey, I help stakeholders to follow up on how participants are acting on the conclusions. What is the goal of all this? Embedding insights and intentions, so that the end result is more than noncommittal chatter.
Without a mission and aligned forces every question and every day to day issue, becomes a confrontation with the fact there is no sense of a common purpose
– Daniel Ofman

This is what you expect from a journey like this
Have you a certain result in mind? Well, so do I. This involves me taking responsibility for the process. If the proposed approach isn't working for your team, I will make adjustments until your people are able to get the best out of themselves. And thus achieve the best possible result.
What if difficulties, tensions or differences of opinion emerge? Then, naturally, you expect me to be able to handle them. And help you to deal with them properly. Don't worry: I acknowledge what's going on, keep enough distance myself and help the group to find its way.
Why do clients choose me?
Slowing down to speed up
I continually ask questions, which means that although a process sometimes requires a little more time at first, it is more in-depth, thus initiating lasting change. This saves a lot of time later on in the journey.
Gentle confrontation
I keep my finger on the pulse and maintain the connection with your employees at all times. Even if I sometimes have to deliver confrontational messages to mobilise people.
More from your team
After more than 25 years of coaching, training & facilitating, I radiate calm and safety, even when we broach difficult subjects or there's a lot going on. This is how I succeed in getting the best out of the group.
A wide range of perspectives
Systemic approach, Theory U, Osterwalders' Business Model Canvas: I approach challenges in your team and organisation from various perspectives in order to arrive at - sometimes surprising - insights.
Creative problem solving
With FourSight® I use, where relevant, a pragmatic tool that gives you and your team quick insight into your preferred thinking style in creative problem solving.
I am more than happy to explore with you.
Where are you now? Where do you get bogged down? Where would you like to go? Tell me all about it. I listen, contribute ideas and come up with a proposal for your live, online or hybrid journey. Call +32 498 17 78 91 or