Can you identify with the following description?
You want to have an impact. Make a difference. However, you have a lot on your plate and feel overwhelmed. You're about to lose control of your life and/or work. You worry, don't feel good about yourself, are becoming more distant, sleep badly, etc. You know things can't go on like this. You want to do something about it. And yet, you keep turning round in circles. Why is that?
or …
You're moving into a managerial role, or your current role is changing. You are, of course, delighted with the opportunity and want to dive straight in. But when you do, you run into your own issues and/or issues in your organisation that cause you to question yourself. Where do you begin? How do you get to grips with it all?

Just imagine ...
- You gain insight into the resources that are available to you. What can you do to avoid getting caught up in overthinking, a victim role or a negative spiral? You become (even) more self-reliant and take a firm stand at the helm.
- You learn how to distance yourself from what's happening, so that you are no longer overwhelmed and instead gain insight into what's going on. Into what's important. Into what you can do. You also learn to be kind to yourself and your choices.
- You see what you need, and you have the courage to choose for and take care of yourself. You are released from the expectations of others, consciously following your own path. You get more done with less energy.
- When you've rediscovered yourself like this, it becomes easier to connect with what's happening around you. This makes you a better and dynamic leader who can mobilise others.
How do we achieve these results together?
In a customised journey where we take the following steps together:
- Where are you now? What drives you, and what are your values and convictions? Where do you get bogged down? I get down to the nitty-gritty, and quickly find out what's going on and what the underlying causes are.
- Together, we ensure there is no ambiguity about the direction you wish to take. Which methods do I use? When, and how often, do you come back? We will tailor this to your needs.
- After each session - as well as at the end of the journey - we return to your direction of choice to make sure you are experiencing progress. If we need to make adjustments in the interim, we will do so.
…Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue.
And the point is, to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps you will then gradually,
without noticing it,
live along some distant day
into the answer...
– Rainer Maria Rilke
What makes this journey unique?
Systemic approach
You, your life and work are a system. I bring everything out into the open so that you can see connections and gain insights for lasting change. What if unexpected issues emerge? I help you to give them a place.
Gentle confrontation
I identify what needs to be identified, and have the courage to confront, if necessary, in order to make you grow. I create a safe environment for this.
A wide range of perspectives
I approach you from mental, emotional, physical and spiritual perspectives. In this way, you arrive at (occasionally surprising) insights that activate your life and work.
Authentic coaching
I have integrated the wide range of training courses I have taken into my life and work. Which is why I can empathise with what you have experienced, without taking it from you. You feel understood and supported.
I am more than happy to explore with you.
Where are you now? Where do you get bogged down? Where would you like to go? Tell me all about it. I listen, contribute ideas and come up with a proposal for your live, online or hybrid journey. Call +32 498 17 78 91 or